Understanding the Role of a Board Treasurer

It is not uncommon to go to the Board meeting of a nonprofit and discover that they don’t have a Board Treasurer. Having someone who oversees the organization’s finances seems like such an important job, so why is it neglected? The Treasurer role of a nonprofit is not an easy role. A quick look at the Treasurer’s duties outlined in any organization’s bylaws…

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Why Nonprofits Struggle to Find Experienced Accountants

What does your current accounting situation look like? Are you having difficulty bringing your bookkeeper or accountant up to speed on your processes or struggling with stringent audit, compliance, GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), or FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) requirements? Finding an experienced accountant for your nonprofit can be difficult and selecting the right…

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Why Your Nonprofit Needs a Conflict of Interest Policy

Are you one of the few nonprofit organizations without a conflict of interest policy in place? Studies show that over 95% of nonprofit organizations employ a conflict of interest policy–and with good reason. These policies offer nonprofit organizations ethical standards and protection to ensure all actions on behalf of the organization are transparent and free of potential ethical dilemmas. In this article we’ll be covering the benefits of setting up a conflict of interest policy at your organization and how you can start…

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When to Seek Virtual Accounting Assistance

The responsibilities of nonprofit executive leaders are many but sorting through data to get a clear picture of the organization’s financial health should not be one of them. When preparing for a board meeting have you ever asked yourself, “Do I have all the important and relevant data to help board members feel assured they understand the organization’s financial position?” Do you, as the leader of an organization, truly understand your financial reports and can you clearly explain those to stakeholders in a way…

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How to Build a Powerful & Strategic Nonprofit Dashboard

Models and Components of a Great Nonprofit Dashboard A dashboard allows a nonprofit to monitor both the effectiveness of this enterprise or business model, as evidenced by the organization’s financial health, and the impact of the programs and services being provided. The process of developing a powerful organizational dashboard should be inclusive and based on…

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Cash Flow Management for Nonprofits

Cash flow management in any organization is nothing more than the mix and timing of cash receipts and cash payments.  In its most simplistic form, it is cash in and cash out and, ultimately, it is where budgets, projections and forecasts meet reality. It is critical to ensuring that funds are available to pay the…

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Fiduciary Responsibilities of a Nonprofit Board

The duties of board members are many. From steering the organization’s mission and purpose, to appointing new directors and overseeing fundraising, it is critical to the success of an NPO that board members understand their responsibilities. One of the most important functions of a board is to oversee the organization’s financials. Lack of proper financial…

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