Can ChatGPT Answer Your Nonprofit Accounting Questions?

In the world of nonprofit organizations, accounting plays a crucial role in ensuring transparency, accountability, and financial stability. However, navigating the complexities of nonprofit accounting can be a daunting task, especially for individuals who lack the proper experience or expertise. In recent years, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have given rise to powerful language models…

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3 Keys to Being Prepared for Your Next Nonprofit Audit

For many nonprofits, going through an annual audit is like undergoing a root canal—it’s a painful, stressful, and expensive experience. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way (the audit, that is.) Through advance planning, organization, and knowledge of the audit requirements, nonprofits can embark on their annual audit with ease and…

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A New Audit Standard Affects Me??? Really?

Many nonprofits are subject to annual audits. Although they can be challenging, they are often required for one or more reasons. A byproduct of that requirement is that audit standards can and do change and those changes can and do impact your organization. This year is no different. A new “Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS)”…

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Why Nonprofits Struggle to Find Experienced Accountants

What does your current accounting situation look like? Are you having difficulty bringing your bookkeeper or accountant up to speed on your processes or struggling with stringent audit, compliance, GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), or FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) requirements? Finding an experienced accountant for your nonprofit can be difficult and selecting the right…

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Why Your Nonprofit Needs a Conflict of Interest Policy

Are you one of the few nonprofit organizations without a conflict of interest policy in place? Studies show that over 95% of nonprofit organizations employ a conflict of interest policy–and with good reason. These policies offer nonprofit organizations ethical standards and protection to ensure all actions on behalf of the organization are transparent and free of potential ethical dilemmas. In this article we’ll be covering the benefits of setting up a conflict of interest policy at your organization and how you can start…

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