Chazin & Company


 A dashboard allows a nonprofit to monitor both the effectiveness of this enterprise or business model, as evidenced by the organization’s financial health, and the impact of the programs and services being provided.

Are you effectively tracking your goals?

Learn how you can maximize communication and transparency with a clear & easy to scan platform

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The process of developing a powerful organizational dashboard should be inclusive and based on strategy, but the metrics should be sparing—with a laser-like focus on the organization’s key drivers. And all of the above must be presented on a clear, easy-to-scan platform.

Models and Components of a Great Nonprofit Dashboard

This article was adapted from a webinar presented by the Nonprofit Quarterly. The webinar was led by Hilda Polanco, founder and CEO of FMA, the go-to capacity builder to which foundation and nonprofit leaders turn to address nonprofit financial-management issues. Polanco was a founding member of the selection committee of the New York Nonprofit Excellence Awards, established by the New York Times and the Nonprofit Coordinating Committee.